Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Families that can't afford to get sick

This month has been inspiring that there are families out there that "get" the big picture of health. We hear of so much doom and gloom with the economy that there are many people asking me if my practice is doing okay. I'm here to say that chiropractic is doing "just fine!" It's become evident to me that even families without insurance are happy to get under chiropractic care because it makes sense that their bodies will function better if their nervous system is functioning better. These same families have come to realize that it's not the money spent on true "health care" that negatively impacts their financial health, but the lost time and productivity when they're sick that has a bigger financial impact. There have been tons of surveys, but the biggest eye opener is that when families wind up in financial crisis (in this case, bankruptcy) due to medical circumstances, 70% of them had health insurance at the time. The most cost effective way of maintaining your health will always be to head disease off before it attacks. Families are learning this in droves and are embracing it! Old Orchard Beach Chiropractic will always be a place that is open to families to achieve their health care goals.

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